Monday, April 14, 2014

It’s Time for You to Be You by Len Lawson

This blog entry is devoted to integrity and individuality in writing. A poem from my debut poetry book The Very Least of Me speaks to these themes. 

to be you

well you’re you
but you want to 
be me too

and you
well you’re you 
yet I want to
be like you

now you,
you’re you
but still can I be like you

listen, you
be you
but just let me be you

you’re you
and I’m you
we’ll be you
and me too

now we’re you
I’m me too
no room for you

goodbye, you
I’m you
oh, you
should have just been you

My blog from the South Carolina Writers Workshop website below speaks clearly to writer integrity and individuality. It serves as an encouragement to writers.

It’s Time for You to Be You by Len Lawson


  1. Something about this reminds me of the Gestalt prayer popular back in the 1970's. Fritz Perls (I think) penned it, and I kept it hanging on my office wall for years.
